You know I’m not exactly sure what to post today. I’ve been brainstorming for a bit. With a bi-weekly deadline coming up for blog posts, I have to say writer’s block isn’t easy to deal with. In Addition, forcing content seems Ingenuine. Sadly it’s part of my job to put these down It’s rather hard to do at times to put thought to paper.
So what to do when you can’t think of a hot topic to talk about? honestly, I’ve got no idea I just type what I’m feeling and right now. As of this moment, I’m clueless about what to talk about here. The best idea I can offer is just to type and be honest. Talk about what’s on your mind and let it flow. This in turn gets the job done and you have your topic.
In that same sense writer’s block happens because you can’t think of a hot topic. Therefore letting the thoughts flow can help you complete the picture, and a picture is worth a thousand words.
I’m typing this up as I think of it which is rather odd to some. At first, I wasn’t sure what to talk about here. Alas, I’ve found it I’ve let things flow. And now, it seems writer’s block is a hot topic I wish to talk about. Not sure how it pertains to cybersecurity or anything but I can try to relate it.
If I had to say anything it’d be if you are stuck on something and unsure how to approach it. This could apply to issues in operational security or whatever flavor of Cybersecurity you are in. Just doing something is harder than speaking it out. There are often more variables than just doing it, so this is easier said than done.
Alas, I’ve done this so I’m sure any of you out there with the mindset of a hacker or are in the field of cybersecurity can do this as well. After all my position is only community management, and I’m not very well versed in cybersecurity. This one’s a short one for today I wish you readers the best and I’ll cya next month.